Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Green Transportation

Positive facts to Consider:
People are healthier and happier overall when using alternative transportation: Nearly 30% of transit riders get the recommended daily dose of physical activity (30 minutes of moderate physical activity) by walking to and from transit. (ITDP)

30,000 commuters can get to work on a single subway train, which would require 10 additional highway lanes if the same individuals chose to drive to work. (green

Each year, public transportation saves 1,500 million gallons in auto fuel consumption-150 times the 10 million gallons spilled by the Exxon Valdez.  (American Public Transportation Association)

For every 10,000 solo commuters who leave their cars at home and commute on an existing public transportation service for one year, the nation  reduces fuel consumption by 2.7 million gallons.  (American Public Transportation Association)

Bicycling for transportation can reduce mortality by 35 to 40%.  (Matthews et al., Andersen et al.)

Public transit is viewed as 170 times safer than automobile travel according to the National Safety Council.

How we can change:
We need to change our routines to benefit ourselves and others and to contribute to a healthier environment. While it is convenient to leave for work whenever you please, there are many other green ways to commute.

By choosing less polluting methods for getting around, such as biking, carsharing programs, public transit, walking and carpooling, we are significantly decreasing CO2, money, and time. In the following posts we will let you know easy steps we can do in Denver to change our situation. 

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